►NLegendaryExplorerCore | |
►NAudio | Tools for working with the proprietary audio systems used in Mass Effect games |
►CAFCCompactor | Tools to scan for AFCs and references to AFCs, and perform AFC compaction of DLC mods |
CReferencedAudio | Represents a reference to a piece of audio in an AFC |
CAudioInfo | Class that stores basic audio information such as sample rate, bits per sample, codec, etc |
CISBankEntry_DEPRECATED | Contains all the information required to display and play an audio sample from an ISACT Sample Bank |
COggWaveStream | Class identifier for Ogg-encoded data |
CWwiseBankImport | Handles importing a .bnk file into a package file and setting up relevant data |
CWwiseVersions | Contains info on the Wwise version for each game |
►NCoalesced | |
►NConfig | |
CConfigAssetBundle | Handler for a bundle of config assets |
CConfigMerge | Class for handling merging config deltas - this code is heavily used by ME3Tweaks Mod Manager and other tools. |
CConfigTools | Utilities for working with configuration files in ME games |
►NExceptions | |
CCBundleException | |
CCToolException | |
►NHuffman | |
CDecoder | |
CEncoder | |
CNode | |
CPair | |
►NXml | |
CCoalesceInclude | |
CXmlCoalesceAsset | |
CXmlCoalesceFile | |
CBinaryExtensions | |
CCoalesceAsset | |
CCoalescedConverter | Class for converting to and from editable text versions of Coalesced files (Game3, LE1/LE2) |
CCoalescedFileXml | |
CCoalesceFile | |
CCoalesceProperty | |
CCoalesceSection | |
CCoalesceSections | |
CCoalesceSettings | |
CCoalesceValue | |
CConfigFileProxy | Loads a text-based ini file as a CoalesceAsset for single API editing. |
CCrc32 | |
CFileEntry | |
CLECoalescedBundle | |
CLECoalescedConverter | Tools to unpack/repack LE1 and LE2 coalesced files. |
CNamespace | |
CPropertyValue | |
CStringHelpers | |
►NCompression | |
CLZO2 | |
CLZX | |
COodleHelper | This helper class works by copying the game's oodle dll to the native libs folder of LEC and pulling it in from there. |
CZlib | |
►NDebugTools | |
CDebugStopWatch | Constructing this starts a stopwatch, and disposing stops it and writes the elapsed milliseconds to the debug log. |
CLECLog | |
►NDialogue | Classes for parsing and modifying BioConversation exports |
CConversationExtended | Contains the nested conversation structure of a BioConversation export, with extended parsing of most elements |
CDialogueNodeExtended | Represents a node in a BioConversation with it's StructProperty values and other useful information parsed |
CReplyChoiceNode | Represents a reply in a BioConversation with useful information parsed |
CSpeakerExtended | Represents a BioDialogueSpeaker in a BioConversation with useful information parsed |
CStageDirection | Represents a parsed BioStageDirection struct in a BioConversation |
►NGameFilesystem | Game directories, loaded files, loaded DLC, mount files |
CAutoloadArmor | Autoload definition for adding armors - UNUSED, NOT SURE IF IT EVEN WORKS. Here for documentation purposes |
CAutoloadIni | C# representation of Autoload.ini from ME1/LE1 |
CLE1Directory | Contains information about the LE1 game directory |
CLE2Directory | Contains information about the LE2 game directory |
CLE3Directory | Contains information about the LE3 game directory |
CLEDirectory | Contains information about the main LE directory as well as Launcher location. LE[X]Directory classes will use the LEDirectory default path to build their game paths. |
CMEDirectories | Static methods to get game directory information from an MEGame enum |
CMELoadedDLC | Static methods to get information on DLC installed in a game |
CMELoadedFiles | Static methods to get collections of files in a game directory |
CMountFile | Represents a Mount.dlc file for a Game2 or Game3 DLC |
CMountFlag | Interposer for the mount flag enum types |
►NGammtek | |
►NCollections | |
►NGeneric | |
CBinaryHeap | |
CBuffer | |
CHeap | |
CHeapHelper | |
CHeapPriorityQueue | |
CHeapSort | |
CIPriorityQueue | |
CIPriorityQueueNode | |
CPriorityQueue | |
CPriorityQueueNode | |
►NObjectModel | |
►CObservableDictionary | |
CKeyedDictionaryEntryCollection | |
►NSpecialized | |
CWeakCollection | An unordered collection of T s, held weakly. (Using WeakReference<T>s) Enumerating this collection will automatically remove garbage collected items. |
►NComponentModel | |
CBindableBase | Implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged to simplify models. |
►NData | |
CIValueValidator | The value validator interface |
►NDynamic | |
►NCollections | |
CDynamicDictionary | An implementation of a IDictionary<TKey,TValue> which uses dynamics to allow property accessors |
CDynamicExtensions | |
CElasticObject | |
CIElasticHierarchyWrapper | |
CIHierarchyWrapperProvider | |
CSimpleHierarchyWrapper | |
►NExtensions | |
►NCollections | |
►NGeneric | |
CCollectionExtensions | Class that provides extension methods to Collection |
CDictionaryExtensions | |
CEnumerableExtensions | |
CListExtensions | |
CSpanExtensions | |
CBitArrayExtensions | |
CByteArrayExtensions | |
►NIO | |
CBinaryReaderExtensions | |
CPathWrapper | |
CStreamExtensions | |
►NLinq | |
►CExpressionExtensions | Extension for Expression. |
CParameterInfo | The parameter info. |
►NReflection | |
CAssemblyExtensions | |
CMemberInfoExtensions | |
CTypeExtensions | Reflection extension class. |
CBooleanExtensions | |
CByteExtensions | |
CCharExtensions | |
CDoubleExtensions | |
CEnumExtensions | |
CInt16Extensions | |
CInt32Extensions | |
CInt64Extensions | |
CIntPtrExtensions | |
CObjectExtensions | |
CSByteExtensions | |
CSingleExtensions | |
CStringComparisonExtensions | |
CStringExtensions | |
CUInt16Extensions | |
CUInt32Extensions | |
CUInt64Extensions | |
CUIntPtrExtensions | |
CUnrealExtensions | |
CUnsafeExtensions | |
►NHelpers | |
CBindingFlagsHelper | The binding flags helper. |
CCollectionHelper | Collection helper class. |
CObjectHelper | Object helper class. |
CObjectToStringHelper | Simple static class that turns an object to string. |
CStringToObjectHelper | String to object helper class that converts a string to the right object if possible. |
►NIO | |
►NConverters | |
CEndianConverter | Provides the conversion functionality between two Endian types. This is either a straight-through copy if the Endian settings are the same or a conversion routine reversing the bytes. |
CZigZagConverter | The zig zag converter performs a 1-1 and onto mapping of signed integers onto unsigned integers using the transformation defined at: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding |
CBitBinaryReader | BinaryReader that supports reading and writing individual bits from the stream. |
CBitBinaryWriter | A BinaryWriter implementation to write individual bits to a stream. |
CBitRingBuffer | Ring buffer to read and write bits and bytes. |
CBitStream | Stream class for writing individual bits to a stream. Packs subsequent bytes written to the stream. |
CBitStreamReader | Stream class for writing individual bits to a stream. Packs subsequent bytes written to the stream. |
CBitStreamWriter | Stream class for writing individual bits to a stream. Packs subsequent bytes written to the stream. |
CBufferAcquisitionException | Exception thrown to indicate that a buffer of the desired size cannot be acquired. |
CByteOrderConverter | |
CConduitPath | |
CDataReader | |
CDataWriter | |
CEndian | Endian identification support for the current platform and streams. Supports conversion of data between Endian settings. Note: this class still assumes that bit orderings are the same regardless of byte Endian configurations. |
CEndianReader | BinaryReader that supports reading and writing individual bits from the stream and reordering values based on Endian settings between the system and the stream. You can write data through the Writer member. |
CEndianWriter | A BinaryWriter implementation to write individual bits to a stream and support writing data types for platforms with different Endian configurations. Note: for compatibility with streams written with BinaryWriter, character data uses the provided encoding and does not perform any Endian swapping with the data. |
CIBuffer | Interface encapsulating a byte array which may be managed by an IBufferManager implementation. When the buffer is disposed, some implementations of this interface may return the buffer to the IBufferManager which created it. Note that an IBuffer must always be disposed after use, or some implementations may leak memory. The buffer must not be used after being disposed, likewise the byte array must not be used after the buffer is disposed. |
CIBufferManager | Interface for classes which manage instances of IBuffer. |
CIDataStream | |
CMemoryTributary | |
CMultiStream | |
CMutableByte | Mutable byte implementation class |
CVarInt | Extension methods to write variable length integers to a BinaryWriter. |
►NPaths | |
CIAbsoluteDirectoryPath | Represents an absolute path to a directory on file system. |
CIAbsoluteFilePath | Represents an absolute path to a file on file system. |
CIAbsolutePath | Represents an absolute path to a file or directory on file system. |
CIDirectoryPath | Represents a path to a directory on file system. |
CIDriveLetter | Represents a drive on file system. |
CIEnvironmentVariableDirectoryPath | Represents a directory path on file system, prefixed with an environment variable. |
CIEnvironmentVariableFilePath | Represents a file path on file system, prefixed with an environment variable. |
CIEnvironmentVariablePath | Represents a path on file system, prefixed with an environment variable. |
CIFilePath | Represents a path to a file on file system. |
CIPath | Represents a path, absolute or relative, to a file or to a directory. |
CIRelativeDirectoryPath | Represents a relative directory path. |
CIRelativeFilePath | Represents a relative file path. |
CIRelativePath | Represents a relative path to a file or directory. |
CIVariableDirectoryPath | Represents a directory path on file system, prefixed with an environment variable. |
CIVariableFilePath | Represents a file path on file system, prefixed with an environment variable. |
CIVariablePath | Represents a path containing variable(s) defined with the syntax (case-insensitive) . Such path must be prefixed with a variable and can then contain more variables. |
►NText | |
►NFormatting | |
CVerboseFormatInfo | Provides extended formatting serivces that can be applied to all reference and value types. This class merely analyzes object that should be formatted and then delegates formatting to the specific formatter most appropriate for the given type. |
CVerboseFormatInfoBase | Base class for all verbose format providers. Implements basic functionality and defines mandatory members that would be overridden or implemented by derived classes in order to provide specific functionality applicable to format strings representing instances of particular data types. |
►NStringMatching | |
CCombinedStringMatcher | Combines multiple string matchers. Input string is matched if matched by any of the contained matchers. |
CDefaultStringMatcher | Default string matcher which ignores pattern and treats all input strings as matched. |
CExactMatcher | Implements IStringMatcher interface in such way that string matches the pattern only if it is exactly the same as the pattern. |
CIStringMatcher | Types implementing this interface can be used to test whether string matches given pattern when particular matching rules are applied. |
CRegexMatcher | Implements string matching algorithm which tries to match regular expression pattern with input strings. |
CWildcardMatcher | Implements string matching algorithm which tries to match pattern containing wildcard characters with the given input string. |
CArgument | |
CCMath | |
►CEnum | Generic enumeration wrapper. |
CDataBinding | DataBinding class. |
CFlags | Flags class. |
CGammtekUtilities | |
CIBindableEnum | Bindable enumeration. |
CThrowHelper | |
►CTypeSwitch | |
CCaseInfo | |
►NHelpers | |
CByteArrayExtensions | |
CDeconstructors | |
CDictionaryExtensions | |
CEnumerableExtensions | |
CEnums | |
CExceptionExtensions | |
CExternalFileHelper | |
CFGuid | An Unreal Engine 3 GUID |
CFileSize | Class used to assist in filesize calculations and display |
CGameFileFilters | Contains a list of filters for various games, for use with open/close dialogs. Options change with compilation flags of the library |
CIOExtensions | |
CLegendaryExplorerCoreUtilities | |
►CListInitHelper | For use with List initializers |
CInitCollection | |
CMiscExtensions | |
CStreamHelpers | |
CStringExtensions | |
CTaskExtensions | |
CTypeExtension | |
CUnrealExtensions | |
►NKismet | Tools for creating and modifying Kismet sequences |
CKismetHelper | Static methods to perform common sequence editing operations |
CSeqTools | Static methods to obtain information on sequence objects, and perform common sequence editing operations |
CSequenceDesigner | Class used for designing sequences, not just making nodes. |
CSequenceObjectCreator | Static methods to handle sequence variable creation |
►NLocalization | |
CLECLocalizationShim | Compatibility shim for M3 <-> LEC localization. This provides non-localized string values based on their keys. |
►NMatinee | Tools for creating and modifying Matinee objects |
CMatineeHelper | Static methods to perform common Matinee editing operations |
►NME1 | |
►NUnreal | |
►NUnhoodBytecode | |
CBytecodeReader | |
CBytecodeToken | |
CCachedNativeFunctionInfo | |
CCaseToken | |
CDefaultParamValueToken | |
CDefaultToken | |
CDefaultValueToken | |
CEndOfScriptToken | |
CEndParmsToken | |
CErrorBytecodeToken | |
CFlagSet | |
CFlagValues | |
CForeachToken | |
CIteratorNextToken | |
CIteratorPopToken | |
CJumpIfNotToken | |
CJumpToken | |
CLabelTableToken | |
CNothingToken | |
CProblemRegistry | |
CReturnToken | |
CStatement | |
CStatementList | |
CStopToken | |
CSwitchToken | |
CTextBuilder | |
CUE3FunctionReader | |
CUnBytecodeOwner | |
CUnClass | |
CUncondJumpToken | |
CUnContainer | |
CUnFunction | |
►NMemory | |
CMemoryManager | |
►NMisc | |
►NME3Tweaks | |
CASIModIDs | Contains (some, not all) ASI Update Group IDs that can be used to request install of an ASI. Makes code easier to read. |
CME3TweaksBackups | Contains information about backups provided by ME3Tweaks programs. Backups paths returned by this only work with the new ME3Tweaks registry key which began being used in June 2021. |
CModManagerIntegration | |
CCaseInsensitiveDictionary | |
CDictionaryChangedEvent | |
►CDuplicatingIni | |
CIniEntry | |
CSection | |
CEntryStringPair | |
CIByteProvider | Defines a byte provider for HexBox control |
CLEXOpenable | Information about how to open an export in a LEX tool; can be used by external tools (such as M3's deployment checks). Used to store an entry reference without holding onto the package |
CListenableDictionary | A dictionary that can have a OnDictionaryChanged event handler attached. From https://stackoverflow.com/a/28039942 |
CMemoryAnalyzer | Used for tracking memory usage and finding memory leaks. Must be initialized with IsTrackingMemory = true;. |
CMemoryAnalyzerObject | |
CObservableCollectionExtended | |
CObservableCollectionExtendedThreading | This is total hackjob cause I don't want to have pass type argument to static method in ObservableCollectionExtended. |
COrderedMultiValueDictionary | Embarrassingly bad implementation of a Dictionary where things are ordered like a list and there can be more than one value per key (It's just a List<KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>) |
CReadOptimizedByteProvider | Can be used like a DynamicByteProvider, but is optimized for the case where it is never modified |
CValueTupleEqualityComparer | |
►NPackages | |
►NCloningImportingAndRelinking | |
CEntryChecker | Checks property types against the database to determine if property types are of the correct typing. |
CEntryCloner | |
CEntryExporter | |
CEntryImporter | |
CObjectInstanceDB | Database class for mapping objects from an export in one game to the same one in another game |
CObjectInstanceInfo | |
CPortingOptions | Options that change how porting is done |
CReferenceCheckPackage | |
CRelinker | |
CRelinkerOptionsPackage | Specifies options used for relinking, as well as containing objects that can be passed through the entry porting process without having to modify method signatures. |
CClassInfo | |
►CCompressionHelper | |
CBlock | Represents a block in the block table of a chunk |
CChunk | Represents an item in the Chunk table of a package |
CChunkHeader | Represents the header of chunk (that is pointed to by the chunk table) |
CDisposableCollection | |
CEntryTree | |
CExportCreator | |
CExportEntry | |
CExportEntryExtensions | |
CIEntry | |
CIEntryExtensions | |
CIMEPackage | |
CImportEntry | |
CIPackageUser | |
CIWeakPackageUser | |
CLECLData | Data that is appended to a saved package file |
CMEGameExtensions | Extension methods for the MEGame enum |
CMELocalizationExtensions | Extension methods for the MELocalization enum |
CMEPackage | |
CMEPackageExtensions | |
CMEPackageHandler | |
CPackageCache | Class that allows you to cache packages in memory for fast accessing, without having to use a global package cache like ME3Explorer's system. Can be subclassed for specific implementations. |
CPackageDiff | |
CPackageResynthesizer | |
CPackageSaver | |
CPackageUpdate | |
CPropertyInfo | |
CReferenceTreeBase | |
CUDKPackage | |
CUnrealPackageFile | |
►NPathing | |
CLevelTools | Methods for working with levels |
CPathTools | |
CPoint3D | |
►NPlotDatabase | Loading, saving, and accessing of databases containing reference information for the Mass Effect plot variable system |
►NDatabases | In-memory plot database classes |
CBasegamePlotDatabase | Represents a table of plot elements for a single game created from the BioWare-provided plot databases |
CModPlotDatabase | Represents a database of Plot Elements for a single mod |
CPlotDatabaseBase | Abstract base class representing a database of game plot information |
►NPlotElements | Classes representing plot database entries, both serialized and in-memory |
CPlotBool | Represents a boolean plot variable element in a Plot Database |
CPlotConditional | Represents a plot conditional element in a Plot Database |
CPlotElement | Base class representing an element in a plot database. Can be serialized to JSON |
CPlotElementTypeExtensions | Extension methods for the PlotElementType enum |
CPlotModElement | Element representing a mod in a Plot Database |
CPlotTransition | Represents a plot transition element in a Plot Database |
►NSerialization | Classes used to serialize plot databases to JSON |
CSerializedModPlotDatabase | Represents a JSON serialized plot database for a single mod |
CSerializedPlotDatabase | Represents a JSON serialized plot database file |
CModPlotContainer | Manages loading, saving, and accessing of multiple mod plot databases for a single game |
CPlotDatabases | Manages plot element databases for all games. Contains static methods used to lookup plot element info by ID. |
►NSave | |
CBonusTalentSaveRecord | |
CCharacterProfileSaveRecord | |
CCharacterStatisticsSaveRecord | |
CGameOptionsSaveRecord | |
CGamerProfileSaveRecord | |
CLocalProfile | Serializer and deserializer for Local_Profile files |
CLocalProfileLE1 | Serializer for LE1's GamerProfile.pcsav file. |
CPlotManagerAchievementSaveRecord | |
CProfileBoolSaveRecord | |
CProfileFloatSaveRecord | |
CProfileIntSaveRecord | |
CProfilePlaythroughSaveRecord | |
CProfileRewardSaveRecord | |
CProfileSetting | Defines a profile setting for LE2/LE3 Local_Profile/GamerProfile |
CSaveRecordSerializable | Base class for all serializable LE1 save record types |
►NShaders | |
CConstantInfo | |
CDecookedExporter | |
CParameterDeclaration | |
CRefShaderCacheReader | |
CShaderCacheManipulator | |
CShaderInfo | |
CShaderReader | |
CStructMember | |
CWriteMask | |
►NSharpDX | |
CColor | Represents a 32-bit color (4 bytes) in the form of RGBA (in byte order: R, G, B, A). |
CMathUtil | |
►NSound | |
CChannelBankChunk | |
CISACTBank | |
CISACTBankPair | Contains a pair of ISACT banks (ICB + ISB) |
CISACTHelper | Contains methods related to working with ISACT content |
CISACTListBankChunk | |
CSyncBankChunk | |
►NWwise | |
CWwiseHelper | Contains useful utility methods for Wwise. |
►NTextures | |
►NCodecs | |
CCodecs | |
►NStudio | |
►CMEMTextureMap | Precomputed texture map info (from Mass EFfect Modder "MEM") |
CCompressedMipInfo | |
CTextureMapEntry | Entry for the MEM Texture Map |
CTextureMap | |
CTextureMapGenerator | |
CTextureMapMemoryEntry | Describes a memory-unique texture, e.g. a unique full path. |
CTextureMapPackageEntry | Describes where a texture can be found for Texture Studio. This object describes a single instance of a texture, rather than a single 'texture' which can have multiple defined instances |
CImage | |
CMipMap | Describes a texture MipMap for use with texturing tools. |
CTexConverter | |
CTextureCRC | Helper class for generating CRCs in the tpf format |
CTextureLODInfo | |
CTextureSizeNotPowerOf2Exception | |
CTFCCompactor | |
CTFCCompactorInfoPackage | |
CTFCInfo | Describes where to put TFC data for a specific texture |
CTFCTools | Class containing useful TFC-related methods |
►NTLK | |
►NME1 | |
CHuffmanCompression | ME1/LE1 TLK compressor |
CME1TalkFile | Represents the tlk embedded in a BioTalkFile export, which is used in ME1/LE1. For ME2/ME3/LE2/LE3TLK, use ME2ME3TalkFile. |
►NME2ME3 | |
CHuffmanCompression | ME2/ME3 huffman compressor for TLK |
CME2ME3LazyTLK | Like ME2ME3TalkFile, but does not decompress the strings when loaded. Only decompresses a string when it's requested. |
CME2ME3TalkFile | Represents a .tlk file, as used by ME2/ME3/LE2/LE3. For ME1/LE1 TLK, use ME1TalkFile. Used for reading from .tlk files, and writing an xml representation. |
►CME2ME3TLKBase | Contains functionality shared between ME2ME3TalkFile and ME2ME3LazyTLK |
CHuffmanNode | |
CTLKHeader | |
CITalkFile | Interface for talk files (ME1 and ME2/3 style). This lets you interchange TLKs without worrying about the class types. |
CLE1TalkFiles | Manages stringref lookup for LE1 tlks |
CLE2TalkFiles | Manages stringref lookup for LE2 tlks |
CLE3TalkFiles | Manages stringref lookup for LE3 tlks |
CME1TalkFiles | Manages stringref lookup for LE1 tlks |
CME2TalkFiles | Manages stringref lookup for ME2 tlks |
CME3TalkFiles | Manages stringref lookup for ME3 tlks |
CTLKBitArray | Stripped-down version of System.Collections.BitArray used by the TLK classes for huffman decompression. |
CTLKStringRef | An entry in a tlk. |
►NUDK | |
CConvertToUDK | |
CLightingImportSetup | Contains variables for configuring lightmap importing |
CStaticLightingImporter | |
CUDKAssetInfo | |
CUDKMaterialPort | Ports assets from a game into UDK so the materials can be used in-editor. Full expression information must be available in the source data for this to be useful; UDK cannot compile shaders without it. |
►NUnreal | |
►NBinaryConverters | |
CAlphaMap | |
CAnimSequence | |
CAnimTrack | |
CBio2DABinary | |
CBioActorBehavior | |
CBioCodexMap | |
CBioCodexPage | |
CBioCodexSection | |
CBioDiscoveredCodexMap | |
CBioDynamicAnimSet | |
CBioGamePropertyEventDispatcher | |
CBioGestureAnimSetMgr | |
►CBioGestureRuntimeData | |
CBioGestCharOverride | |
CBioMeshPropActionData | |
CBioMeshPropData | |
CBioPropClientEffectParams | |
CBioInert | |
CBioMorphFace | |
CBioPawn | |
►CBioQuestMap | |
CBioQuest | |
CBioQuestGoal | |
CBioQuestPlotItem | |
CBioQuestTask | |
CBioStateTaskList | |
CBioTaskEval | |
CBioQuestProgressionMap | |
CBioSoundNodeWaveStreamingData | |
CBioSquadCombat | |
CBioStage | |
►CBioStateEventMap | |
CBioStateEvent | |
CBioStateEventElement | |
CBioStateEventElementBool | |
CBioStateEventElementConsequence | |
CBioStateEventElementFloat | |
CBioStateEventElementFunction | |
CBioStateEventElementInt | |
CBioStateEventElementLocalBool | |
CBioStateEventElementLocalFloat | |
CBioStateEventElementLocalInt | |
CBioStateEventElementSubstate | |
►CBioTlkFileSet | |
CBioTlkSet | |
CBox | |
CBoxSphereBounds | |
CBrushComponent | |
CBspNode | |
CBspSurf | |
CCachedPhysSMData | |
CColorVertexBuffer | |
CConvertExtensions | |
CConvexHull | |
CConvexVolume | |
CCoverIndexPair | |
CDecalComponent | |
CDecalVertex | |
CEntryGuidNumPair | |
CEntryPruner | |
CExportBinaryConverter | |
CExtrusionVertexBuffer | |
CFaceFXAnimSet | |
►CFaceFXAsset | |
CFXATableCElement | |
CFXATableDElement | |
CHNode | |
CFaceFXBoneNode | |
CFaceFXBoneNodeChild | |
CFaceFXControlPoint | |
CFaceFXLine | |
CFluidSurfaceComponent | |
CForceFeedbackWaveform | |
CFPrecomputedVolumeDistanceField | |
CFracturedStaticMesh | |
CFragmentInfo | |
CFragmentRange | |
CFxNode | |
CFxNodeParameter | |
CFxNodeParentLink | |
CGPUSkinVertex | |
CGuidCache | |
CGuidIndexPair | |
CInterpCurve | |
CInterpCurvePoint | |
CIUIndexAction | See documentation for ObjectBinary.ForEachUIndex. |
CKCachedConvexData | |
CKCachedConvexDataElement | |
CKCachedPerTriData | |
CkDOP | |
CkDOPCollisionTriangle | |
CkDOPCompact | |
►CkDOPNode | |
CUnion | |
CkDOPTree | |
CKDOPTreeBuilder | |
CkDOPTreeCompact | |
CLabelTableEntry | |
CLevel | |
CLevelViewportInfo | |
CLightComponent | |
CLightMap | |
CLightMap_1D | |
CLightMap_2D | |
CLightMap_3 | |
CLightMap_4or6 | |
CLightMap_5 | |
CLightMapTexture2D | |
CLightmassPrimitiveSettings | |
CMaterial | |
CMaterialInstance | |
►CMaterialResource | |
CTextureLookup | |
CMaterialShaderMap | |
CMaterialUniformExpression | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionAbs | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionAppendVector | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionBinaryOp | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionCeil | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionClamp | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionConstant | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionFlipbookParameter | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionFlipBookTextureParameter | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionFloor | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionFmod | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionFoldedMath | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionFrac | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionFractionOfEffectEnabled | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionMax | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionMin | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionPeriodic | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionRealTime | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionScalarParameter | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionSine | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionSquareRoot | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionTexture | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionTextureParameter | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionTime | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionUnaryOp | |
CMaterialUniformExpressionVectorParameter | |
CME1MaterialUniformExpressionsElement | |
CMeshBone | |
CMeshEdge | |
CMeshShaderMap | |
CModel | |
CModelComponent | |
CModelElement | |
CModelVertex | |
►CMorphTarget | |
CBoneOffset | |
CMorphLODModel | |
CMorphVertex | |
CNameEntryGuidPair | |
CObjectBinary | |
CObjectRedirector | |
CPerPolyBoneCollisionData | |
CPhysicsAssetInstance | |
CPoly | |
CPolys | |
CPositionVertexBuffer | |
CPrefabInstance | |
CQuantizedDirectionalLightSample | |
CQuantizedSimpleLightSample | |
CRB_BodySetup | |
CRigidSkinVertex | |
CSerializingContainer | |
CSFXMorphFaceFrontEndDataSource | |
CShaderCache | |
CShaderReference | |
CShadowMap1D | |
CSkeletalMesh | |
CSkeletalMeshVertexBuffer | |
CSkelMeshChunk | |
CSkelMeshSection | |
CSoftSkinVertex | |
CSoundCue | |
CSoundNodeWave | |
CSpeedTreeComponent | |
CSphere | |
CStateFrame | |
CStaticCollectionActor | |
CStaticLightCollectionActor | |
CStaticLODModel | |
CStaticMesh | |
CStaticMeshCollectionActor | |
CStaticMeshComponent | |
CStaticMeshComponentLODInfo | |
CStaticMeshElement | |
CStaticMeshRenderData | |
CStaticMeshTriangle | |
►CStaticMeshVertexBuffer | |
CStaticMeshFullVertex | |
►CStaticParameterSet | |
CNormalParameter | |
CStaticComponentMaskParameter | |
CStaticSwitchParameter | |
CTerrainWeightParameter | |
CStaticReceiverData | |
CStreamableTextureInstance | |
CStreamableTextureInstanceList | |
CTerrain | |
CTerrainBVNode | |
CTerrainComponent | |
CTerrainMaterialMask | |
CTerrainMaterialResource | |
CTerrainPatchBounds | |
CTextureMovie | |
CTreeNode | |
CUArrayProperty | |
CUBioMask4Property | |
CUBoolProperty | |
CUByteProperty | |
►CUClass | |
CImplementedInterface | |
CUClassProperty | |
CUComponentProperty | |
CUConst | |
CUDelegateProperty | |
CUEnum | |
CUField | |
CUFloatProperty | |
CUFunction | |
CUIndexZeroer | Sets all UIndexes to 0 |
CUInterfaceProperty | |
CUIntProperty | |
CUMapProperty | |
CUNameProperty | |
CUObjectProperty | |
CUProperty | |
CURL | |
CUScriptStruct | |
CUState | |
CUStringRefProperty | |
CUStrProperty | |
CUStruct | |
CUStructProperty | |
CUTexture | |
►CUTexture2D | |
CTexture2DMipMap | |
CUTextureCube | |
CUTextureRenderTarget2D | |
CVector2DHalf | |
CVert | |
CWaveformSample | |
CWorld | |
CWwiseBank | Basic BulkData WwiseBank class. If you need the ability to parse the contents, use WwiseBankParsed instead. |
►CWwiseBankParsed | |
CEvent | |
CEventAction | |
CHIRCObject | |
CSoundSFXVoice | |
►CWwiseEvent | |
CWwiseEventLink | |
►CWwiseStateManagement | |
CCustomTransitionTime | |
CStateGroup | |
CSwitchGroup | |
CSwitchPoint | |
CWwiseStream | |
CZoneProperties | |
►NClasses | |
CBio2DA | |
CBio2DACell | |
CBioMorphFace | |
CBoneOffset | |
CFunction | |
CMaterialInstanceConstant | |
CMorphFeature | |
CTexture2D | |
CTexture2DMipInfo | |
►NObjectInfo | |
CGameObjectInfo | Single class that is not static - for shared code in the UnrealObjectInfo classes. Each game should subclass this to provide custom methods for adding their own game-specific data |
CGlobalUnrealObjectInfo | |
CLE1ObjectInfo | |
CLE1UnrealObjectInfo | |
CLE2ObjectInfo | |
CLE2UnrealObjectInfo | |
CLE3ObjectInfo | |
CLE3UnrealObjectInfo | |
CME1ObjectInfo | |
CME1UnrealObjectInfo | |
CME2ObjectInfo | |
CME2UnrealObjectInfo | |
CME3ObjectInfo | |
CME3UnrealObjectInfo | |
CObjectInfoLoader | |
CSequenceObjectInfo | |
CUDKObjectInfo | |
►NPhysX | |
CPhysXCooker | |
CActorUtils | |
CArrayProperty | Property containing a dynamic array of T s |
CArrayPropertyBase | Base class for ArrayProperty<T> and ImmutableByteArrayProperty |
CBioMask4Property | Property containing a BioMask4 (a byte) |
CBoolProperty | Property containing a boolean |
CBytecode | |
CBytecodeSingularToken | |
CByteProperty | Property containing a byte |
►CCNDFile | Represents a Game 3 .cnd file |
CConditionalEntry | Represents a conditional in a Game 3 .cnd file |
CCommonStructs | |
CDelegateProperty | Property containing a ScriptDelegate |
►CDLCPackage | |
CFileEntryStruct | |
CHeaderStruct | |
CEndianBitConverter | Converts base data types to an array of bytes, and an array of bytes to base data types. All info taken from the meta data of System.BitConverter. This implementation allows for Endianness consideration. /summary> |
CEnumProperty | Property containing an enum value |
CFloatProperty | Property containing a single precision floating point number |
CImmutableByteArrayProperty | Replacement for ArrayProperty<T> where T is ByteProperty. Arrays of bytes are almost always embedded data (such as swfs) that are thousands or millions of bytes long. Allocating a ByteProperty for each byte is grossly inefficient, so this just keeps it internally as a byte[] |
CIntProperty | Property containing a 32-bit signed integer |
CLEXJSONExtensions | |
CME3ConditionalsCompiler | |
CNameProperty | Property containg a NameReference |
CNameReference | |
CNoneProperty | Property that marks the end of a collection of properties. |
CObjectProperty | Property containing a UIndex |
CProperty | Base class for all the Unreal property types that go in PropertyCollection |
CPropertyCollection | Collection of Propertys |
►CPSA | |
CChunkHeader | |
CPSAAnimInfo | |
CPSAAnimKeys | |
CPSABone | |
►CPSK | |
CPSKMaterial | |
CPSKTriangle | |
CPSKWedge | |
CPSKWeight | |
CSFAREntryReader | Reads an entry from an SFAR file, but only in areas required for seeking, to minimize amount of reading. This is useful for large entries such as TFC when only a few entries need read |
►CSFARUnpacker | |
CDLCEntry | |
CStorageTypeExtensions | |
CStringRefProperty | Property containing a string ref (an integer referring to a string in a tlk) |
CStrProperty | Property containing a string |
CStructProperty | Property that represents a struct |
CTextureCompression | |
►CTOCBinFile | |
CEntry | Single entry in TOC file, contained in a hash bucket |
CTOCHashTableEntry | |
CTOCCreator | Class for generating TOC files |
CToken | |
CUDKUnrealObjectInfo | |
CUnknownProperty | Only created through deserialization. Indicates either an error in the deserializer, or malformed data. |
CUnrealFlags | |
►NUnrealScript | |
►NAnalysis | |
►NSymbols | |
CASTNodeDict | |
►NVisitors | |
CCodeBuilderVisitor | |
CHTMLCodeFormatter | |
CIAcceptASTVisitor | |
CIASTVisitor | |
CICodeFormatter | |
CPlainTextCodeFormatter | |
CPlainTextStringBuilderCodeFormatter | |
►NCompiling | |
►NErrors | |
CError | |
CExternalError | |
CLexError | |
CLineError | |
CLineWarning | |
CLogMessage | |
CMessageLog | |
CPositionedMessage | |
CWarning | |
►CBytecodeWriter | |
CJumpPlaceholder | |
CSkipPlaceholder | |
CCompilerUtils | |
CScriptObjectCompiler | |
CScriptPropertiesCompiler | |
►NDecompiling | |
CJump | |
CUnconditionalJump | |
►NLanguage | |
►NTree | |
CArraySymbolRef | |
CAssertStatement | |
CAssignStatement | |
CASTNode | |
CBooleanLiteral | |
CBreakStatement | |
CCaseStatement | |
CCastExpression | |
CClass | |
CClassType | |
CCodeBody | |
CCompositeSymbolRef | |
CConditionalExpression | |
CConst | |
CContinueStatement | |
CDefaultCaseStatement | |
CDefaultPropertiesBlock | |
CDefaultReference | |
CDelegateCall | |
CDelegateComparison | |
CDelegateType | |
CDoUntilLoop | |
CDynamicArrayLiteral | |
CDynamicArrayType | |
CDynArrayAdd | |
CDynArrayAddItem | |
CDynArrayFind | |
CDynArrayFindStructMember | |
CDynArrayInsert | |
CDynArrayInsertItem | |
CDynArrayIterator | |
CDynArrayLength | |
CDynArrayOperation | |
CDynArrayRemove | |
CDynArrayRemoveItem | |
CDynArraySort | |
CEnumeration | |
CEnumValue | |
CErrorExpression | |
CErrorStatement | |
CExpression | |
CExpressionOnlyStatement | |
CFloatLiteral | |
CForEachLoop | |
CForLoop | |
CFunction | |
CFunctionCall | |
CFunctionParameter | |
CGoto | |
CIfStatement | |
CIHasFileReference | |
CInOpDeclaration | |
CInOpReference | |
CIntegerLiteral | |
CLabel | |
CNameLiteral | |
CNewOperator | |
CNoneLiteral | |
CObjectLiteral | |
CObjectType | |
COperatorDeclaration | |
CPostOpDeclaration | |
CPostOpReference | |
CPreOpDeclaration | |
CPreOpReference | |
CPrimitiveCast | |
CPrimitiveType | |
CReplicationStatement | |
CReturnNothingStatement | |
CReturnStatement | |
CRotatorLiteral | |
CState | |
CStateGoto | |
CStaticArrayType | |
CStopStatement | |
CStringLiteral | |
CStringRefLiteral | |
CStruct | |
CStructComparison | |
CStructLiteral | |
CSubobject | |
CSwitchStatement | |
CSymbolReference | |
CVariableDeclaration | |
CVariableIdentifier | |
CVariableType | |
CVariableTypeExtensions | |
CVectorLiteral | |
CWhileLoop | |
►NUtil | |
CIContainsByteCode | |
CIContainsFunctions | |
CNodeUtils | |
►NLexing | |
CLexer | |
CScriptToken | |
►NParsing | |
CLineLookup | |
CTokenStream | |
►NUtilities | |
CCastHelper | |
CKeywords | |
CObjectReader | |
CFileLib | Contains a symbol table for an IMEPackage that is used for compilation and decompilation of UnrealScript. Must be initialized before use (with Initialize or InitializeAsync). Once initialized, use ReInitializeFile to update the symbol table to reflect changes made to the IMEPackage. A FileLib can only be used in the compilation or decompilation of objects in the same IMEPackage that is was created for. |
CUnrealScriptCompiler | |
CUnrealScriptLookup | |
CUnrealScriptOptionsPackage | Object for passing through to various compiler functions to allow adding new features without having to edit method signatures. |
CLegendaryExplorerCoreLib | Entrypoint for the LegendaryExplorerCore Library |
CLegendaryExplorerCoreLibSettings | Class that contains settings specific to Legendary Explorer Core. When this class is initially accessed, the game directories will automatically populate themselves |
CBankChunk | A generic 4 byte name 4 byte length block that is not parsed. |
CBufferDistanceBankChunk | |
CBufferSoundDistanceBankChunk | |
CCompressionInfoBankChunk | ISACT Compression Info bank chunk |
CContentGlobalVarInfoBankChunk | |
CContentIndexBankChunk | |
CDataBankChunk | Data segment bank chunk. Contains the raw audio samples |
CDefaultKeyFuncs | |
CEventLinkInfo | Basic description of a single EventLink (bottom of kismet action - this includes all links) |
CFAmbientOcclusionParams | |
CFAmbientOcclusionVertexShader | |
CFApplyForcePixelShader | |
CFApplyLightShaftsPixelShader | |
CFApplyLightShaftsVertexShader | |
CFBinkGpuShaderHDR | |
CFBinkGpuShaderYCrCbToRGB | |
CFBinkYCrCbAToRGBAPixelShader | |
CFBinkYCrCbToRGBNoPixelAlphaPixelShader | |
CFBlurLightShaftsPixelShader | |
CFBranchingPCFProjectionPixelShader | |
CFCalibrationBoxHDRPixelShader | |
CFColorRemapShaderParameters | |
►CFConstantDensityPolicy | |
CVertexShaderParametersType | |
CFCopyTranslucencyDepthPixelShader | |
►CFCustomLightMapTexturePolicy | |
CPixelParametersType | |
►CFDirectionalLightLightMapPolicy | |
CPixelParametersType | |
CVertexParametersType | |
►CFDirectionalLightPolicy | |
CPixelParametersType | |
CVertexParametersType | |
CFDistortionApplyScreenPixelShader | |
CFDistortionApplyScreenVertexShader | |
CFDOFAndBloomBlendPixelShader | |
CFDOFAndBloomBlendVertexShader | |
CFDOFShaderParameters | |
CFDownsampleDepthVertexShader | |
CFDownsampleLightShaftsVertexShader | |
CFDownsampleSceneDepthAndNormalsPixelShader | |
CFDownsampleSceneDepthPixelShader | |
CFFilterVSMComputeShader | |
CFFluidApplyPixelShader | |
CFFluidNormalPixelShader | |
CFFluidSimulatePixelShader | |
CFFluidTessellationVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
CFFogVolumeApplyPixelShader | |
CFFoliageVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
CFFXAA3BlendPixelShader | |
CFFXAA3VertexShader | |
CFFXAAPrepComputeShader | |
CFFXAAResolveComputeShader | |
CFGammaCorrectionPixelShader | |
CFGammaShaderParameters | |
CFGenerateDeinterleavedHBAOComputeShader | |
CFGFxPixelShader | |
CFGFxPixelShaderHDR | |
CFGFxVertexShader | |
CFGPUSkinDecalVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
CFGPUSkinVertexFactoryApexShaderParameters | |
CFGPUSkinVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
CFHBAOBlurComputeShader | |
CFHBAODeinterleaveComputeShader | |
CFHBAOReconstructNormalsComputeShader | |
CFHBAOShaderParameters | |
CFHeightFogVertexShaderParameters | |
CFHistoryUpdateVertexShader | |
CFHitMaskPixelShader | |
CFHitMaskVertexShader | |
CFHitProxyPixelShader | |
CFInstancedStaticMeshVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
CFixed1 | |
CFixed10 | |
CFixed2 | |
CFixed3 | |
CFixed4 | |
CFixed5 | |
CFixed6 | |
CFixed7 | |
CFixed8 | |
CFixed9 | |
CFLensFlareVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
CFLightFunctionPixelShader | |
►CFLightMapTexturePolicy | |
CPixelParametersType | |
CVertexParametersType | |
CFLightShaftPixelShaderParameters | |
CFloatBankChunk | |
CFLocalDecalVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
CFLocalVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
CFLUTBlenderPixelShader_1 | |
CFLUTBlenderPixelShader_2 | |
CFLUTBlenderPixelShader_3 | |
CFLUTBlenderPixelShader_4 | |
CFLUTBlenderPixelShader_5 | |
CFMaterialPixelShaderParameters | |
CFMaterialVertexShaderParameters | |
CFModShadowMeshPixelShader | |
CFModShadowMeshVertexShader | |
CFMotionBlurPixelShader | |
CFMotionBlurShaderParameters | |
CFNullPolicy | |
CFOneColorPixelShader | |
CFParticleBeamTrailVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
CFParticleInstancedMeshVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
CFParticleVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
►CFPointLightPolicy | |
CModShadowPixelParamsType | |
CPixelParametersType | |
CVertexParametersType | |
CFRadialBlurPixelShader | |
CFRadialBlurVertexShader | |
CFReconstructHDRPixelShader | |
CFResolveDepthPixelShader | |
CFResolveSingleSamplePixelShader | |
CFSceneTextureShaderParameters | |
►CFSFXPointLightPolicy | |
CPixelParametersType | |
CVertexParametersType | |
CFSFXUberPostProcessBlendPixelShader | |
CFShaderComplexityAccumulatePixelShader | |
CFShaderComplexityApplyPixelShader | |
CFShaderParameter | |
CFShaderResourceParameter | |
CFShadowProjectionMaskPixelShader | |
►CFShadowTexturePolicy | |
CPixelParametersType | |
CVertexParametersType | |
CFShadowVolumeVertexShader | |
►CFSHLightLightMapPolicy | |
CPixelParametersType | |
►CFSignedDistanceFieldShadowTexturePolicy | |
CPixelParametersType | |
CFSimpleElementDistanceFieldGammaPixelShader | |
CFSimpleElementGammaPixelShader | |
CFSimpleElementMaskedGammaPixelShader | |
CFSimpleElementPixelShader | |
CFSimpleElementVertexShader | |
►CFSphericalHarmonicLightPolicy | |
CPixelParametersType | |
CFSplineMeshVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
►CFSpotLightPolicy | |
CModShadowPixelParamsType | |
CPixelParametersType | |
CVertexParametersType | |
CFSRGBMLAABlendPixelShader | |
CFSRGBMLAAEdgeDetectionPixelShader | |
CFStaticHistoryUpdatePixelShader | |
CFTerrainDecalVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
CFTerrainVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
CFTexturedCalibrationBoxHDRPixelShader | |
CFTextureDensityPixelShader | |
CFUberHalfResPixelShader | |
CFUberPostProcessBlendPixelShader | |
CFUberPostProcessVertexShader | |
CFVelocityPixelShader | |
CFVelocityVertexShader | |
CFVertexFactoryParameterRef | |
CFVertexFactoryShaderParameters | |
►CFVertexLightMapPolicy | |
CVertexParametersType | |
CFXAAFilterComputeShader | |
CGroupBankChunk | |
CIKeyFuncs | |
CIModShadowPixelParamsType | |
CIndexEntry | |
CIndexPage | |
CIntBankChunk | Holds only an integer value |
CIPixelParametersType | |
CIRefEnumerator | |
CISACTOrientation | |
CISACTSoundTrack | |
CIVertexParametersType | |
CIVertexShaderParametersType | |
CMapKeyFuncs | |
CMaterialPixelShader | |
CMaterialVertexShader | |
CMultiMapKeyFuncs | |
CNameOnlyBankChunk | |
COutputLink | Represents an output link from a sequence object |
CSampleInfoBankChunk | ISACT info about the sample data |
CSampleOffsetBankChunk | BioWare-specific: Sample offset in external ISB |
CShader | |
CSingleTextureShader | |
CSoundConeBankChunk | |
CSoundEventInfoBankChunk | |
CSoundEventSoundTracks | |
CSoundEventSoundTracksFour | |
CTAmbientOcclusionPixelShader | |
CTAOApplyPixelShader | |
CTAOMaskPixelShader | |
CTAOMeshVertexShader | |
CTBasePassPixelShader | |
CTBasePassVertexShader | |
CTBranchingPCFModProjectionPixelShader | |
CTDOFAndBloomGatherPixelShader | |
CTDOFAndBloomGatherVertexShader | |
CTDOFBlurPixelShader | |
CTDOFGatherPixelShader | |
CTDownsampleDepthPixelShader | |
CTDownsampleLightShaftsPixelShader | |
CTEdgePreservingFilterPixelShader | |
CTFilterPixelShader | |
CTFilterVertexShader | |
CTFogIntegralPixelShader | |
CTFogIntegralVertexShader | |
CTHeightFogPixelShader | |
CTHeightFogVertexShader | |
CTieredPackageCache | PackageCache implementation that allows looking for packages in parent caches. Parent caches will not open packages on cache miss. |
CTitleBankChunk | |
CTLightMapDensityPixelShader | |
CTLightPixelShader | |
CTLightVertexShader | |
CTModShadowProjectionPixelShader | |
CTModShadowVolumePixelShader | |
CTShadowDepthPixelShader | |
CTShadowDepthVertexShader | |
CTShadowProjectionPixelShader | |
CTUniformParameter | |
CUMap | |
CUMapBase | |
CUMultiMap | |
CUnparsedShader | |
►CUSet | |
CSetElementId | |
CVarLinkInfo | Basic description of a single VarLink (bottom of kismet action - this includes all links) |