Legendary Explorer Core Nightly
Core library for working with Mass Effect Trilogy / Legendary Edition files
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 CBankChunkA generic 4 byte name 4 byte length block that is not parsed.
 CCompressionInfoBankChunkISACT Compression Info bank chunk
 CDataBankChunkData segment bank chunk. Contains the raw audio samples
 CEventLinkInfoBasic description of a single EventLink (bottom of kismet action - this includes all links)
 CIntBankChunkHolds only an integer value
 COutputLinkRepresents an output link from a sequence object
 CSampleInfoBankChunkISACT info about the sample data
 CSampleOffsetBankChunkBioWare-specific: Sample offset in external ISB
 CTieredPackageCachePackageCache implementation that allows looking for packages in parent caches. Parent caches will not open packages on cache miss.
 CVarLinkInfoBasic description of a single VarLink (bottom of kismet action - this includes all links)