Legendary Explorer Core Nightly
Core library for working with Mass Effect Trilogy / Legendary Edition files
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LegendaryExplorerCore.Dialogue Namespace Reference

Classes for parsing and modifying BioConversation exports More...


class  ConversationExtended
 Contains the nested conversation structure of a BioConversation export, with extended parsing of most elements More...
class  DialogueNodeExtended
 Represents a node in a BioConversation with it's StructProperty values and other useful information parsed More...
class  ReplyChoiceNode
 Represents a reply in a BioConversation with useful information parsed More...
class  SpeakerExtended
 Represents a BioDialogueSpeaker in a BioConversation with useful information parsed More...
class  StageDirection
 Represents a parsed BioStageDirection struct in a BioConversation More...

Detailed Description

Classes for parsing and modifying BioConversation exports