Legendary Explorer Core Nightly
Core library for working with Mass Effect Trilogy / Legendary Edition files
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LegendaryExplorerCore.Audio Namespace Reference

Tools for working with the proprietary audio systems used in Mass Effect games More...


class  AFCCompactor
 Tools to scan for AFCs and references to AFCs, and perform AFC compaction of DLC mods More...
class  AudioInfo
 Class that stores basic audio information such as sample rate, bits per sample, codec, etc More...
class  ISBankEntry_DEPRECATED
 Contains all the information required to display and play an audio sample from an ISACT Sample Bank More...
class  OggWaveStream
 Class identifier for Ogg-encoded data More...
class  WwiseBankImport
 Handles importing a .bnk file into a package file and setting up relevant data More...
class  WwiseStreamedFileReference
 Used only for WwiseBank import
class  WwiseVersions
 Contains info on the Wwise version for each game More...

Detailed Description

Tools for working with the proprietary audio systems used in Mass Effect games