Legendary Explorer Core Nightly
Core library for working with Mass Effect Trilogy / Legendary Edition files
No Matches
CompactArrayFormatInfo.cs File Reference


class  LegendaryExplorerCore.Gammtek.Text.Formatting.CompactArrayFormatInfo
 Format provider applied to format strings that compactly represent single-dimensional arrays. Array can be represented compactly if it has one dimension and all elements are of simple type, i.e. ScalarFormatInfo format provider is applicable to them. VerboseFormatInfo delegates calls to tihs class when formatting single-dimensional arrays of simple types. This class is internal and cannot be used directly.


namespace  LegendaryExplorerCore
namespace  LegendaryExplorerCore.Gammtek
namespace  LegendaryExplorerCore.Gammtek.Text
namespace  LegendaryExplorerCore.Gammtek.Text.Formatting