Legendary Explorer Core Nightly
Core library for working with Mass Effect Trilogy / Legendary Edition files
Welcome to the Legendary Explorer Core API Documentation. This site is generated after every commit to the Beta branch to reflect the current state of the LEC API. Use the Class List or Namespace List sections on the sidebar to browse the functionality of the Legendary Explorer Core library.
This website serves as the documentation for Legendary Explorer Core, a .NET library that can modify Unreal Engine 3 package files used in the Mass Effect Trilogy and the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. This library is used in many different tools, such as Legendary Explorer, ME3Tweaks Mod Manager, and ALOT Installer.
This site has no documentation for Legendary Explorer, the actual application that is used to create Mass Effect mods. That documentation can be found on the Legendary Explorer Wiki.
If class names or namespaces change, any existing links or bookmarks to this site may become broken. In the future, static versions of this site will be created for each stable release of the library.
Check out our github wiki which has tutorials on various modding subjects. Want to contribute? Sign up for github and start writing tutorials today for other users.
Need assistance? Join the ME3Tweaks Discord.
You can get the latest releases (stable and nightly) of LegendaryExplorer in ME3Tweaks Mod Manager's Tools menu, or you can download stable builds from the releases section of the main GitHub page. Come to the ME3Tweaks Discord to talk with the developers.
JetBrains has kindly given us several open source licenses for their tools that allow us to create better modding tools for you. Thanks, JetBrains!
You can check out the contributing guidelines and tips document, for both developers and end-users who need features.
Want to build the toolset yourself? Read the guide on how to do so, it's very easy to do.
LegendaryExplorerCore is licensed under GPLv3.